Family Shots.........Home
Mom had said dad just wasn't showing enough heart so on a recent fishing trip he had me take this photo for her.
The heart of a fisherman.
Missy my beautiful niece who can do nothing wrong.
She likes to play with the camera too. Here she shows her creativity while I nap.
Dwight by Missy
Her father and my baby brother Harris, he is an auto mechanic, he loves God and teaches the teen sundayschool school class. He has a contagious laugh and a great sense of humor. Once he and our brother Ricky made me laugh so much I told them if they did not stop making me laugh I would hurt them. This was during a seven hour trip with two hours remaining.
Harris Ray
His wife Tammy who made my parents family complete. Her mother Miss Minnie and Missy.
Three generations
My nephew has a truck he likes, is kind to his grandparents and is very responsible and polite. He works out. Both he and my niece always tells the other family members, "I love you." upon leaving.
And his truck
My dear brother Ricky if he likes you and he is in a good mood he will stick his hand in fire to help. If he does not like you or if he is in a bad mood he will not give you air in a jug. We wonder where he hides his money and how much he has. We have never seen his little black notebook but he does say good-bye by name to each dollar he spends and tell it if it ever comes back to him it will have a home for life.
His and mom's best girlfriend Debar I cannot tell you what she has meant to my family. Deb's mom yard sales with mom and Deb's dad fishes with dad. Sometimes they all get together for a fish fry.
Family Friends
Man's best friend, in this case Ricky's best.
Harris has a dog too, they live and work together and Hause will not let anyone else drive their truck.
My Own dogs and "my wife" spot
Das and Sweety
Burno Mom and Dad's Cat
Did you see mom and dad.